Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to cook Kinilaw na puso ng saging

2 pcs. puso ng saging(banana heart blossom)
1 pc. fried tofu cut into cubes(tokwa)
1 cup minced garlic
1 pc. onion diced
4 tbsp olive oil (any healthy oil like palm oil)
2 cups water

1. Remove the hard part of puso ng saging. Cut the soft part into thin slices.
2. Add salt and squeeze until the juice is extracted and set aside.
3. Mix the tofu, onion and calamansi.
4. Saute the garlic until golden brown in a hot pan using olive oil then add tofu.
5. Season with salt and hot chili to taste.
6. Add puso ng saging and mix until tender and cook.

* Enjoy this great Filipino Food. Served it while hot!

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